Collection: Cleansers & Pre-Shave

Imagine the satisfaction you get when you look clean and refreshed after shaving and your skin feels softer than a baby’s bottom. It feels amazing, right? While these may just be tiny details in the larger scheme of things like life, it can go a long way to making your day all that more awesome. For us, it’s exactly what we want to feel each day.

Quiet Skin can do exactly that or you.

With something as simple as a facial cleanser and a pre-shave regimen, you will feel like you’re ready to take on the world. That’s no joke and don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Who doesn’t want to feel clean and refreshed, right? But it’s that perfect close shave and the super clean feeling that somehow takes your typical day and makes it extraordinary.

What’s more is that, by using Quiet Skin cleansers and pre-shave regimen, you don’t just feel clean and look amazing. You can slow ageing, relieve dryness, lighten blemishes, soften wrinkles and lines, and strengthen your skin. These are the results you get because of how we have developed all our products in our labs. We have designed and created Quiet Skin cleansers and pre-shave products to not just make you feel clean and refreshed but also heal and protect your skin from years of wear and tear.

So, taking that extra 1 to 2 minutes to add to your daily routine can really make a lifetime’s worth of difference. It’s a matter of perspective. Would you rather just use soap and water or shaving cream and what not that don’t do anything for your skin? Or would you use a cleanser and a pre-shave regimen that will make you look and feel younger and healthier? It’s your choice to make but we are willing to put our money on you picking the latter. So, what are you waiting for? Choose Quiet Skin now!

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